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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Italians are from Greek

  • Sam Angelo
    Saxons ARE Germanic. So are the french and Spanish. All of the northern Europeans like German, English and even all Scandinavian people originated Spain and France. Known as Iberia or Basque lands. Italians are the indo-european(east europe; Turkey, Greece, Romania) mixed with a bit of the Iberian basque that had migrated down to North Italy. Real Italians are originally dark.
    · 응답 대상: Psythr666 (댓글 표시)
    • Sam Angelo
      Yes. I know italian ARE indo-european. I know the celts ARE Basque. It is exactly what I said. But Iberia is in Spain. NOT Italy. I know the Northern Italians were basque: white. But they were never celts. Italians in Early Roman times were Indo-European(Dark). The Roman Empire was after the Basque had gotten into Northern Europe. During the Roman lifetime, some Northern Europeans traveled south into Italia. But not Celts.
      · 응답 대상: Joe Mills (댓글 표시) 
    • Sam Angelo
      NO!!! Europeans are NOT Greek!!! REAL Europeans are directly from North Africa!! They can be classified as Iberians since the first piece of European land they touched was Spain. Then they traveled up all the way to Scandinavia. THOSE are Europeans!! Not Greeks!! 
    • Sam Angelo
      YOU LOOK UP YOUR HISTORY!!! Unless your history IS of Greek descent than good for YOU!!! But There were already people in Europe before the Greeks even had their language!!! ROMANS??!! I LAUGH SO HARD!!! The romans WERE Greeks!!! But they go back 2 thousand years ago. There were already people in Germany THOUSANDS of years before the fucking Greeks left East Asia!!! WHITES ARE FROM AFRICA DIRECTLY!!!! Greeks didn't even exist yet!!!!
      • Sam Angelo
        No you fucking moron. Don't fucking comment to me again on how I'm wrong. The Celt came from Iberia. There was once discovery that the DNA of the Celtic nations like Ireland have a same code as the Iberians. They traced their DNA all the way to Spain. People in Iberia actually have more of this piece of the celtic DNA than the people of the Celtic lands. They found out that the Celtic people had migrated from Iberia. And in 2007 it was finally proven that ALL of Europeans arrived from Iberia.
        • Sam Angelo
          P1: I was wrong to say the first Europeans touched Iberia. That was incorrect. The first known Europeans were in Georgia. But not all Europeans are the same. The people that were in Georgia 1.8 million years ago are related to our Greeks of today. The people now of Asian Minor like Greece and Turkey are descendants of these first Europeans of Georgia. BUT there are other kinds of Europeans. Ones that DID arrive not from East Africa to Asia minor, but from the West into Iberia.
        • Sam Angelo
          P2: They had arrived 1 million years ago in Iberia directly as Africans. And throughout centuries they populated all West Europe. These people were descendants of Neanderthals, not Homo-Georgicus like the first Europeans in Georgia. They had arrived .8 billion years after the Georgians in South East Europe. The Georgians had a headstart and were more civilized than the West Europeans. East Europeans hatched Mesopotamia, Greece and the Romans were also of Origins to the Georgians.
        • But the people of the Balkans are not the same as the Europeans of the west and Northwest you fool. The people of the 'Balkans' got to Europe first. Then years after another group of Euros traveled from the piece of Africa that is right below Spain. I HAD TO EXPLAIN MYSELF ALL OVER AGAIN FOR YOU!! DIDN'T YOU PAY ATTENTION??!!
          · 응답 대상: amasonga (댓글 표시)
          P3: People from Scandinavia down to Portugal ARE related to each other. The most profound and recent(2007) evidence of the people with origins to Iberia are of the people in the Isles around England. They detected a total similarity to the people in Iberia today. Skull structures were the same. As well as the people of the Celtic Nations. They traced a code in people of the Celtic lands all the way to Spain and found out people in Iberia have more of this celtic patch in their DNA
          · 응답 대상: Nata Mikashavidze (댓글 표시) 


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